Personal Recommend Holders

One of the most popular items on the Chad Hawkins website is a personal recommend holder. There are several varieties of these to choose from. Many people opt for a recommend that has one of Chad Hawkins’ famous temple drawings on it.


Jordan River Utah Temple Drawing

The Jordan River Utah Temple is one of the many available to put on your personal recommend holder.

The Jordan River Temple, located just south of Salt Lake City, is one of a series of detailed pencil drawings and paintings created by the artist Chad S. Hawkins. In 1989, at the age of seventeen, Chad started this unique temple series becoming the original LDS artist to involve hidden spiritual images in his artwork. In this temple picture, Chad has sketched a portrait of Christ in the clouds, watching over his temple and reminding us of his baptism in the Jordan River of Palestine.


Why You Need a Recommend Holder

Temple recommends are fragile documents that need protection. A personal recommend holder is a fun way to keep your recommend in good shape. You are able to choose your favorite temple from a very broad selection and have it on your case. These recommend holders with temple drawings are a great way to remind yourself what your temple recommend means, and to keep you focused on the temple.

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